Are We Ever Fully Healed From Our Deepest Traumas?

Are We Ever Fully Healed From Our Deepest Traumas?

  We should never expect our relationships to fully heal us from our deepest traumas. But we can work on ourselves towards healing. Jason Wrobel talks with Whitney Lauritsen about how he was triggered when he saw an unknown number text to his girlfriend at 3 am....
Non-Traditional Relationships: On Platonic Love Over Romance

Non-Traditional Relationships: On Platonic Love Over Romance

  There is something to be said about platonic relationships that often outweigh romantic relationships. In our evolving world, more and more are starting to value friendships in partnerships more than the trappings of sex and romance. In this episode, Jason...
On Being Single

On Being Single

  Humans, for one reason or another, seem to be constantly, keenly invested in the relationships of other people – or lack thereof. There’s a certain stigma to being single and unmarried by a certain age, and this judgment only serves to fuel this...