How To Be A Human Being, Not A Statue

How To Be A Human Being, Not A Statue

  “I, for one, am so happy to be a human being, not a statue” ~ Alok Criticism is part and parcel of life as a content creator. When we show up for others, when we invite a back and forth, we also open the door for criticism. Yet, a lot of people do...
Are We Obsessed With Justice?

Are We Obsessed With Justice?

  As human beings, we don’t want the feeling of being ashamed, canceled, or simply failing. But why does seeing these happen to others instead of ourselves bring most people pleasure and joy? Join hosts Jason Wrobel and Whitney Lauritsen in this episode as...
To Regret Or Not To Regret? Why It’s Not Worth Feeling Ashamed

To Regret Or Not To Regret? Why It’s Not Worth Feeling Ashamed

  To regret or not to regret? The best thing you can do right now is to be kind to yourself. In this episode, Jason Wrobel and Whitney Lauritsen talk about their past mistakes. Is it worth it to beat yourself up because of past decisions? In the end, pain and...