What Horse Riding Taught Me About Emotional Courage

What Horse Riding Taught Me About Emotional Courage

  Emotions are hard to control. You can be in a really high state of awareness about yourself and still lose control of your emotions. You can be riding a horse in the most amazing view and still feel some negative emotions. It’s hard to be anything other...
The Masks We Wear To Fit In And Feel Understood

The Masks We Wear To Fit In And Feel Understood

  There are countless ways women can excel in our society. However, there are just as many ways society hinders women from fitting in and feeling misunderstood. Whitney Lauritsen dives deep into this uncomfortable notion. She shares her learnings from the book...
Finding Meaning In Unpleasant Experiences

Finding Meaning In Unpleasant Experiences

  Meaningful conversations can only take place in a culture of respect and courtesy between people who are capable of seeing their highest ideals in each other. This is a quote that Whitney Lauritsen considers a part of her awakening. With all the unpleasant...